Where We Go From Here

Good morning bikers, Patriots, gun lovers and friends! Today is Friday, January 8, 2020 and Donald J. Trump is still our president! This week has been a bit crazy – to say the least. We have witnessed a beautiful Stop The Steal Rally in Washington, a stolen election Georgia, the certification of the Electoral College, the storming of the United States capitol complex and the murder of an unarmed female Air Force veteran. Did I say it has been a crazy week? ?‍♂️

Then, our president spoke to us last night:

A Peaceful Transition of Power Speech

While I am not sure this was a concession speech, Trump has committed to a peaceful transition of power to the faux Biden/Harris administration. Or is it the Harris/Biden administration? I guess it doesn’t matter at this point. The #Leftists have stolen the election and their chosen one will be inaugurated in a couple of weeks.

And while the washed up drunkard, Nancy Pelosi, has called for the implementation of the 25th Amendment – to remove Trump from office immediately – for inciting the protests at the capitol – he was the only one using his position to implore the protesters to go home. What a crock of steamy fucking #DonkeyShit! She is a disgrace to her office and only wants to drive a wedge further between the left and right.

Then, to add insult to injury to the 76+ million Americans who voted for Trump, #Facebook, #Instagram, #Twitter and #YouTube all put restrictions, or a two week lock, on the official accounts of Trump. This is censorship, plain and simple. These tech giants were complicit in the stolen election, and because of Section 230, they will not be held accountable.

But perhaps the most disgusting thing I witnessed during the entire week was the way the Republicans turned their back on Donald Trump:

Most of the supposed conservative legislators, who turned their back on him, owe a debt of gratitude to Trump. They were elected/reelected – because they rode in on Trump’s coattails. To watch them turn their backs on a president who is loved by so many, was so disappointing. And true conservative patriots will not forget this during the next election.

So this morning, Trump posted that he will not be attending the Biden inauguration:

Part of me is disappointed in his decision. As a student of U.S. history, this reminds me of when our second president, John Adams, after one of our country’s most contentious elections, quietly left DC in his carriage, before Thomas Jefferson’s inauguration in 1801. He was vilified for doing so and I am guessing Trump will be also. But I am also sympathetic with his decision, for anyone with a mental IQ of 30 realizes he was the victim of the biggest theft in world history – his reelection.

Is This Trump’s Last Ride?

Now that I have begun to accept the fact that Trump will not be giving his second inaugural address on January 2021, I have to wonder what his future holds. I believe he knows that his country still needs him. All of his accomplishments will be swept away like “chaff in the wind.” And. He. Knows. This. I honestly believe he will not desert us when he knows we need him now, more than ever. But what is his next service going to be?

My beautiful gal, @RacieSicilian, posted this earlier today on Twitter, and she may be onto something:

When Trump was campaigning in 2016, he said he would DRAIN THE SWAMP. There is no doubt in my mind that this was a campaign promise he was committed to accomplishing. But there is not a strong enough man in the world to do this. He never imagined the array of powerful forces which would flank his every move to do so. He was the leader of the Republican Party and they undermined him every step of the way, because they are the establishment, and as much the problem as the Democrat Party.

Trump is an incredibly smart man. I believe he has come to the conclusion that he has more important things to accomplish as a private citizen. He knows he has an army of digital soldiers who will always support him. Hell, he has an army of proud Patriot soldiers who would literally fight for him. If he asked. But he isn’t going to call us for that task.

In order for Trump to literally drain the swamp, he needs to decapitate the beast: The Republican Party. We are all talking about being part of the Patriot Party. But in all actuality, there is no such thing. And we all know that 3rd parties have done nothing in the past but splinter the vote – and lead to the election of the worse of two evils. But Trump can coalesce his 76+ million supporters into the Patriot Party. This would slay the evil forces arrayed against the American republic. And it would push every single RINO out of office. And that would be so sweet. All establishment politicians desire power. They are addicted to power. There would no more fitting pyre to their deaths than Trump slaying them all with proud Patriot Party candidates!


I fully believe that Donald John Trump has been called to a higher duty. He cannot drain the swamp, as president, without the complete support of those he is trying to slay. But he can bring all of us together under the YUGE umbrella of a glorious new party: the PATRIOT PARTY! God Bless America and God Bless Donald Trump. We will never desert you, sir, because we know you would never desert us!

The Grey Beard Biker™️
@Biker4Life on Gab

About the author

Living in Tennessee, The Grey Beard Biker™️ has been riding motorcycles for many years. He is the original cigar smoking, bourbon drinking, gun toting patriot. He has traveled the United States on motorcycles and is always seeking out new adventures. Watch for him, and his beautiful Tarheel, Racy, riding around on the Grey Ghost!


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