This past weekend, your ever lovable Grey Beard Biker and several of our friends rode up to Saint Louis to attend Wrenchfest STL – 2019. It was an amazing experience. Wrenchfest is held at Shady Jack’s Saloon – which is a real cool biker bar.

Located on Broadway, in downtown St. Louis, Shady Jack’s is built in what used to be a burned down warehouse. After many years of rehabilitating the building, Jack opened at this location in 2005. We were able to meet Shady Jack, and besides being a colorful old biker, he is also a very cool guy. In addition to hosting Throttle America’s Wrenchfest STL, Shady Jack’s Saloon also hosts an annual Rat Run featuring old rat rods.
Wrenchfest STL – 2019

Wrenchfest is all about the old rat rods, hotrods and bikes. We arrived at Shady Jack’s Saloon at 10:45 AM, for the 11 AM start time. Jack’s staff provided us an excellent set of parking spots, for our bikes, right at their entrance. Talk about great service! The bar was open and they were serving food and, fortunately for Grey Beard, they were also serving awesome Bloody Marys.
Needless to say, we were able to see plenty of sights at Wrenchfest STL. The day’s events are capped off with the old rat rods doing burnouts at the rear entrance to Shady Jack’s. This is something which we were not able to stay for, but we will next year. If you find yourself in St. Louis in late September next year, make sure to plan to attend Wrenchfest!
The Grey Beard Biker™️
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