It was not difficult to pick a winner for the Grey Beard Biker’s Bloviator of the Day Award. Last Friday, Obama’s first term attorney general, stated he was, “surprised and extremely disappointed” by Attorney General William Barr.
Holder: “I actually thought he was an institutionalist..”
Speaking during an appearance on Iowa Public Television’s Iowa Press, Holder would go on to say, “I actually thought that he was an institutionalist and I thought that he would actually be at odds with President Trump relatively soon in his tenure, and he has proved to be anything but that.”
Holder would go on to say, “[Barr] has become the defender of the president, a protector of the president and has done things inconsistent with what I think an attorney general is supposed to do. I think he has tended to think of himself as the lawyer for the president as opposed to the attorney for the people of this country.” How ironic is this coming from a previous attorney general who was held in contempt of congress for withholding information on the Fast & Furious operation – an operation which resulted in the death of Border Patrol Agent, Brian A. Terry? Obama would later claim Executive Privilege to all documents related to Fast & Furious, forever making the congressional contempt of congress charge meaningless.
Your lovable Grey Beard Biker remembers clearly when Holder stated in a 2013 interview, on Tom Joyner’s radio show, “I’m still enjoying what I’m doing, there’s still work to be done. I’m still the President’s (Obama) wing-man, so I’m there with my boy…”

Congratulations, Mr. Holder! Besides being a wing-man to your previous boss, you also have been officially awarded today’s Bloviator of the Day Award from the Grey Beard Biker. It is a highly sought after award for liberal clodpolls, like yourself. After all, it is awarded by one of the most deplorable conservative patriots you could ever possibly encounter.
The Grey Beard Biker™️
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