Today, the Grey Beard Biker sends the following open letter to Ms. Megan Rapinoe. Congratulations on being another idiotic celebrity whose narcissistic love for themselves know no bounds. You truly are a despicable human being.
Ms. Megan Rapinoe
U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team
1801 S. Prairie Ave.
Chicago, IL 60616-1319
June 12, 2019
Dear Ms. Rapinoe,
I am writing you today because of your childish antics before the start of yesterday’s game against Thailand at the World Cup France 2019. Like so many athletes and celebrities, you have chosen to use a sanctioned event as a stage to display your intolerance. You are in a unique position, admired by children, teenagers and young adults, alike. With your unique position you have a responsibility to your country – a responsibility to act like a mature adult and show respect to our national symbol – the American Flag.
Us Americans back home do not care if you have come out as gay. We admire your courage doing so. We also do not care if you dislike our president, Donald J. Trump. But, he is your president – and this is your country. The people of this vast, great country are largely God fearing, love their homeland and honor their military. For you to ignore our National Anthem, while representing the United States on foreign soil, is beyond disgusting.
Quoting from your recent interview, “I’ll probably never put my hand over my heart. I’ll probably never sing the national anthem again.” – Megan Rapinoe, Yahoo News – May 2019.
This old Grey Beard Biker gives you credit. You did exactly what you said you would do. And while a small minority of social justice warriors applaud your actions, you’re an embarrassment to patriots all over the United States.
But you were not done spouting your nasty rhetoric. In the interview, you went on to say, “Because I’m as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don’t get to tell me if I can be here or not. So it’s kind of a good ‘fuck you’ to any sort of inequality or bad sentiments that the Trump administration might have towards people who don’t look exactly like him. Which, God help us if we all looked like him. Scary. Really Scary. Ahh, disturbing.”
Your narcissism knows no limits. But obviously your intelligence does. Interest in soccer – be it youth, high school, collegiate or professional – has grown dramatically in the United States. Stars like yourself have contributed to its rise in popularity. But a stupid act, like yours yesterday, can start to chip away at the sport quickly. U.S. Soccer recognized this immediately, issuing a new rule requiring all players “stand and honor the flag.” – A very proper response.
But your response to their new rule was equally as asinine as your antics on field, “Using this blanketed patriotism as a defense against what the protest actually is was pretty cowardly. I think the NFL does it. I felt like the statement from U.S. Soccer, and then the rule they made without ever talking to me (like your input would have changed anything), that was the same as what the NFL was doing – just to not have the conversation, to try to just stop me from doing what I’m doing instead of at least having a conversation, and trying to figure out a [solution] that makes sense to everyone.” – Megan Rapinoe interview with Yahoo Sports.
Obviously, “…makes sense to everyone.” – is code speak for makes sense to you.
Well, bless your heart. You may be the captain of your team, but you are a disgrace to your country. The National Anthem, and the flag it represents, are about something much larger than you. And I know you are very large and important in your own estimation. Your words prove you believe thus. The Stars and Stripes – our national symbol – and the National Anthem – were not tarnished yesterday by your actions. Only you were. They will continue to represent the greatest country in the world. They will continue to stand for liberty, freedom, the American dream and patriots who have provided their full measure of devotion to protect them. You, on the other hand, will only be seen as a childish narcissist who believes the world revolves around only themselves. Congratulations, you are officially in a league of your own.
Respectfully yours,
The Grey Beard Biker™️
[email protected]
@Biker4Life on Gab
If this disgusts you, as much as it does old Grey Beard Biker, contact US Soccer at (312) 808-1300 or by email: [email protected]
To watch the National Anthem, with Ms. Rapinoe’s protest, click on the picture below to go to FoxSports on YouTube.