This “A-Lister” Gets It

Hollywood is full of “A-Listers.” In the Grey Beard Biker’s opinion, most of them are detached from any semblance of reality. They live their lives in a bubble and have nearly ZERO understanding of what it’s like to live in the real world – the place the rest of us call home. They get on their soap boxes and preach to the rest of us on how we should live, what we should believe in and what products we should use. Some threaten Sex Strikes (Alyssa Milano coming out against heart-beat abortion bills), blowing up the White House (Madonna), decapitating President Trump (Kathy Griffin), the proper use of the “P_ssy word” (Ashley Judd), leave the planet (Cher), invited Trump into a room to fight for 30 seconds (Mickey Rourke), push Trump off a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell), punch Trump in the face (Robert DeNiro), considered assassinating Donald Trump (Johnny Depp) and who can forget “that will be the end of the world!” (Jennifer Lawrence on the possible election of Trump).

With all this as a backdrop, it is refreshing to see one of the most prominent A-listers speaking with reason – Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg, after the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016, spoke out about the celebrities who had paraded in front of the camera to denounce Trump, “A lot of celebrities did, do and shouldn’t.” He went on to say, “….They’re pretty much out of touch with the common person, the everyday guys out there providing for their family.”

While these Wahlberg quotes are almost three years old, it is worth noting that Wahlberg remains above the fray today, not putting out stupid rhetoric that could damage his brand, voicing his opinion on politicians and policies or telling the “common person” how they should live, what they should believe or what products they should use.

Your lovable Grey Beard Biker thinks all celebrities would benefit from taking a lesson from Mark Wahlberg.

The Grey Beard Biker™️
[email protected]
@Biker4Life on Gab

About the author

Living in Tennessee, The Grey Beard Biker™️ has been riding motorcycles for many years. He is the original cigar smoking, bourbon drinking, gun toting patriot. He has traveled the United States on motorcycles and is always seeking out new adventures. Watch for him, and his beautiful Tarheel, Racy, riding around on the Grey Ghost!