Yesterday was one of the saddest days in the history of our great Republic. We witnessed anarchy on a level never before seen – eclipsing even the riots following the death of George Floyd. Oh, wait, who the fuck is George Floyd? Of course I am being sarcastic, but the Left no longer needs Mr. Floyd as their poster-boy and have moved onto more important things – like Senator Schumer (D-NY) calling for invoking the 25th Amendment today! You just cannot make this shit up. Sorry, I digress. Let me get on to talking about what I had originally planned to rant about!
So over the past several days, Patriots have assembled in Washington, DC to support President Trump at the Stop the Steal Rally. They came by plane, car and train and numbered in the 100s of thousands! Yes 100s of thousands! Two days ago, while all the patriots were assembling in DC, Georgia had its runoff senatorial elections – and of course – the #Leftists stole the election there too. This certainly did not help the mood of all the Trump supporters rallying at the U.S. Capitol. With the newest #ElectionTheft in Georgia, emotions boiled over in the District.

Yesterday, after Vice President Pence called the special joint session of congress together to count the Electoral College votes, protesters stormed the Capitol complex. But the real news about the rioters is the fact that all of the Mainstream Media (MSM), #Leftist talking heads on Twitter and the #Leftist newspaper rags referred to them as “Trump Supporters.”

Yes there were Trump MAGA supporters in the Capitol. But by and large, the rioters were #Antifa anarchist thugs. And they were dressed as MAGA supporters. This has been planned for months now. Taking over DC and disguising your social justice purposes (see the image above for the Antifa call to action). But most shocking for me is that the Capitol LEOs appeared to be complicit in the riot – letting the protesters in the backdoor. And for more proof of #Antifa impersonating Trump supporters, check out this video. The Trump supporters are yelling out that the rioter is #Antifa! And when have you ever seen peaceful MAGAs wearing helmets and destroying property – especially government property! Never!
The chaos continued for much of the afternoon until the police finally were able to disperse the crowds – after which the joint session of congress got back together late in the evening to do as Pence said, “Our constitutional duty.” What a fucking bunch of horse hooey! They did their faux duty and confirmed #CreepyUncle Joe Biden in the early morning hours of January 7, 2021.
RIP Ashli Babbitt
By far the most disturbing event of yesterday’s disturbing events was the murder of 35 year old Ashli Babbitt. Babbitt, a Trump supporter, is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and a native Californian. Based on media reports, she had posted her plans on social media and as the fucking Washington Post wrote, “[she was a fervent Trump supporter and echoed] many of the president’s conspiracy theories and false claims of mass voter fraud.”
The WaPo is nothing but a damned extension of the #Leftist #DemonRats and have slandered this young dead woman.

Sadly, if the Capitol Police had not allowed Antifa thugs to sneak into the Capitol complex, young Ashli may still be just an unknown Trump supporter. In the video shared above, the shooter is not identifiable but certainly doesn’t appear to be a LEO. Who murdered Ashli Babbitt and when will the thug be arrested? If it had been a white cop who shot a black man, you know damn well that the officer would have been arrested and Black Lives Matter would be calling for blood. Honestly, I have serious doubts that the shooter was a LEO. I believe it was one of the #Antifa fuck heads that the Capitol Police allowed to covertly enter our nation’s now blood tarnished capitol building.

Ironically enough, after months of BLM/Antifa protests – with little engagement from law enforcement or the National Guard – authorities quickly called in the National Guard to protect historic sites yesterday. Why were they so quick to respond when the threat was claimed to be conservative patriots – MAGA supporters? In my opinion, yesterday’s events in the District of Columbia were an embarrassment. Our great republic is better than this. But we sure showed all of our ugly warts yesterday.
My disgust with our country is beyond words. We have totally gone from a “land of liberty” to a land of anarchist mob rule. If you cannot win an election fairly, you steal it. If your cause is embraced by the left, you can do no wrong – and you will seldom be prosecuted – even if you murdered someone in cold blood. Meanwhile, a total of four conservative Trump supporters were killed in DC yesterday. You will not hear much about this in the MSM because they condone such acts if they are MAGA. Today I pray for God’s Blessings on our country. I pray for eternal peace for Ashli Babbitt and the other three people killed yesterday. But mostly I pray that we can save our country for future generations. Amen.
The Grey Beard Biker™️
@Biker4Life on Gab
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