Two weeks ago, I was simply looking forward to the end of 2020 – without a doubt the worst year I have been on the earth. I wrote about this in the article: R.I.P. 2020! But 2021 is off to fucked up start too.
I will not rehash this week other than to provide some bullet points of this week’s craziness:
- MAGA Patriots began assembling last Saturday and Sunday, in Washington, DC, for the Stop The Steal Rally
- Antifa/BLM counter-protesters came right in with them – often being bused into the capital
- Monday and Tuesday witnessed peaceful events during the MAGA rally
- Wednesday we watched as VP Mike Pence presided over the certification of Electoral College votes from November’s stolen election
- Wednesday we also witnessed the extreme anarchy – which the #Leftists embrace – as Antifa thugs masquerading as MAGA Patriots attempted to take over the capitol complex
- On Thursday, the drunkard Nancy Pelosi, urged Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office
- On Friday, Twitter permanently suspended the account of President Donald Trump
While I will not take a deep dive into any of these events in this article, other than the last bullet point, you can read my thoughts on the other events by clicking on the articles below:

Will the Wrong be Made Right? – written the day before the certification of the Electoral College

Patriots or Traitors – written on Wednesday before the Electoral College certification

Have we lost our Republic? – written Thursday after the events at our capital
Yesterday’s Great Conservative Cleansing
I woke up yesterday morning and was deep in thought while I was drinking my morning coffee. You see, I do some of my best thinking when enjoying my morning caffeine. And the one thing which kept lighting up my brain neurons was that Donald Trump is actually needed more as a private citizen. He was never able to DRAIN THE SWAMP – as president – because he was fighting a fully entrenched DEEP STATE. I firmly believe that his higher calling is to create a new party – the Patriot Party. Because of Trump’s faithful MAGAs – numbering over 75 million – he is the only person who can form a party to compete with our current two party system. For more of my thoughts on this, check out my article, Where We Go From Here.
Okay, let met get back on track here…
The first indication that something evil was happening yesterday was when I was on Twitter promoting yesterday’s blog post. As usual, I was dropping my Tweet into groups I am in and I noticed a few Patriot accounts being suspended. Then the floodgates opened. Literally hundreds of my favorite Tweeters were suspended. I have been on Twitter long enough to have seen a few accounts here and there being nuked – but never anything like the purge I witnessed yesterday.
Around 5:30 PM yesterday, I fully realized this was a Conservative Cleansing when Twitter suspended President Donald Trump’s account:
At first, I was simply shocked – not believing it could be true. How in the hell can a private company remove the president’s ability to communicate with the American people? We know the Mainstream Media (MSM) refuses to provide Trump a platform to communicate. He has been effectively muted. This may well be the most Marxist event we have YET TO SEE in the United States. While the #Communists in the MSM, print newspaper and social media have loathed Trump since he came down the escalator, this really is fucking unacceptable. I believe it is a threat to our national security to silence our Republic’s chief executive officer.
What is going on right now is straight Orwellian: a total totalitarian state. But it appears that George Orwell had the year incorrect – it was to be 2021 – not 1984. Who is complicit in forming this totalitarian state? There are a lot of complicit bad actors: Democrats, Democrat Socialists, RINOs, the MSM, the print press – and especially social media/tech: Twitter, Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube, etc., etc. Most of the sheeple do not pay much attention to the MSM, New York Times, The Hill or the Huffington Post. They get their news from Facebook and Twitter. And these entities totally control what the masses get to see. So with the expunging of so many conservative voices – and our great president – Twitter has effectively participated in The Great Conservative Cleansing. And sure, we are seeing a host of new “free speech” platforms like Parler, MeWe and Gab. But these are being pushed into the periphery – if not the grave – by Google and Apple’s threat to remove their apps from their respective app stores. And what reason have they provided for giving such a threat? That these apps do not restrict conservative voices. So, the battle for FREE SPEECH is just now ramping up.
We have never witnessed the things we are seeing today, brothers and sisters. As difficult as it has become, we must KEEP THE FAITH. I have pretty much lost all hope that Trump has any chance to remain president. But I do truly believe his higher calling is to rescue us conservatives from being forced to vote for the lesser of two despicable evils – Republicans – and he has recently mentioned starting a social media platform. Let’s all stick together. Our country needs us more than ever.
The Grey Beard Biker™️
@Biker4Life on Gab